CLUSTERS consists of three different segments ( Clusters I, II and III ) that may be experienced as separate works or as a mesh of entangled events created for the gallery space. Each of these, function as vectors for movement that follow its own logics and flows without reaching any dramaturgical climax.
CLUSTER III/ THRESHOLDS is an adaptation of the solo Crisp. Come Now we Falling into a loser set of modules arranged in accordance with each space. Supported by an installation of filters on windows or see-through surfaces, designed by Thomas Zamolo (see pictures), Cluster III/Thresholds takes use of what already exists in the space to create its aesthetic frame.The work expands the idea of balance into a multidirectional, unstable and ambiguous body. Attuned to small but consequential differences, the dancing body falls and tipps, diffracting like waves that overlap and combine, bending and spreading out to continuously begin anew. Here, SHE is reconstituted a boiling point, neither here, nor there.
CLUSTER III/THRESHOLDS has during 2019 been created for SITE specific Festival/Dans.hall aug 23, 24 at 18h
Tjörnedala Artgallery, Simrishamn oct 6 at 13h
Uppsala Artmuseum, Uppsala oct 26 at 13h
Concept, Choreography and Dance: Anna Pehrsson
Installation and Photography: Thomas Zamolo
WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO: Eva Forsberg-Pejler, Rebecka Wigh Abrahamsson, Anna Grip, Agnieszka Dlugoszewska and Rachel Tess.