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a commission for Regionteater Väst’s Dancecompany, 2022

40 min, ages 6-11 

Maybe we're slipping on an ice floe. Maybe we'll take a weightless walk on the moon.

Maybe we fall asleep in a forest glade. Maybe we feel the smell of pine needles and wonder what it feels like to lie under a blanket of moss. Maybe we meet animals that have human shapes and move like waves in water. Maybe it starts to rain. First, we close our eyes.

Welcome to Utflykten/ The Field Trip!


My name is Anna Pehrsson and I am the work's choreographer.

As you receive this text, I am already somewhere else, however, YOUR presence remain important to me.


I hope that through the dance, sound and light of The Field Trip, you will have an experience that extends beyond the visual and cerebral. To me, dance is a corporeality that does not require a logical narrative. I hope instead that you will be danced by a flow of energies and vibrations towards your own body and fantasy world.


During the process of The Field Trip, we departed from nature as a system for movement and change, we listened to the waves of the sea, read about mycelial networks and studied how animals move. We have spent a large part of our time cataloging different levels of touch and sensory stimulation to try to move from what we know, towards the unknown.


I hope you’d like to come along.


Thank you for your attention and presence,







Choreography: Anna Pehrsson

With and by: Regionteater Väst’s dancers - Helena Lundquist, Oliver Flor Jull, Olivia Hansson, Julia Svensson and apprentice Ida Häggström from Konstra.

Dramaturge: Rachel Tess

Music: Tomas Elfstadius

Costume: Anna Pehrsson and Clara Lindberg

Room: Anna Pehrsson and Rachel Tess

Photo: Håkan Larsson

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